Have you been finding your dates (or hook-ups) through a mobile App?
In Maxim Magazine’s July/August 2014 “Mind the App” article, the author talked about mobile Apps being the new chat room. He aptly points out that people keep looking to technology (Carrot Dating, Whisper, etc.) as a shortcut for finding a real connection, only to find this is very rarely the case.
Meanwhile, San Francisco seems to be churning out new Apps all the time. Here is another one: The League. Shown in the New York Times photo attached to an article on the League is a Cleveland native (Melissa Eisenberg).
You can read more about the new Ivy League Dating App here: http://nyti.ms/1JioUk0.
This App seems to be compensating for some of the current issues with App dating, such as instant updates, more hook-ups than relationship development, and no filtering of suggested matches. The author of this article admits some of the issues with App dating, one being that people try to start a relationship via texting, instead of talking. These Apps can keep you busy but still make you feel distant from other humans. Having a personal touch, such as a human (not computer) matchmaker can bring us one step closer to being human.
Cleveland Yentas uses technology, but we still keeps it real: real humans making matches, strongly encouraging people to talk on the phone, instead of text on it, and having people actually meet face-to-face.
It is a tough dating world out there; Cleveland Yentas would like to help.
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