As reported by ABC News and later on XM, here are Patti Stangers’s Extra Holiday Dating Tips
(All sound advice):
- The holidays aren’t an excuse to break my two-drink maximum rule. Eggnog counts!
- Don’t rush into meeting the family just because it’s around the holidays. You don’t want to ruin a good thing by moving the relationship too fast.
- Packs don’t attract. Be bold and go out by yourself even if it’s to a New Year’s Eve party. You may even get a kiss at midnight!
- Don’t talk about your ex. It doesn’t make your date feel special, plus no man likes to compete with a stranger.
- Don’t talk about your online dating war stories as it neutralizes the sex appeal. No one wants to date a complainer.
- Don’t talk too much on the date (TMI). Let your partner get in a word as Chatty Cathy never gets the guy.
- Don’t brag about your resume. Resumes are for work, not your love life.
- Don’t ask 21 questions. Dating is not the Spanish Inquisition — it is best to ping pong the questions back and forth, which ignites stimulating conversation.
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