But, did you know that this phrase also goes hand in hand with the High Holidays that are soon approaching? I didn’t.
Rosh Hashanah begins as the Hebrew month of Elul ends. In Hebrew, Elul is spelled Aleph-Lamed-Vav-Lamed. This is also the acronym for Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li. We are already in the month of Elul. Thus, we are in the month of love, so to speak.
Some rabbis may talk about this love in relation to G-d. That is important, but I’m focused on a different aspect of the word Elul.
The Lameds, or the Hebrew equivalent of “L”s, are the tallest of the Hebrew letters. They are like two people raising above the complications of everyday life and connecting on a higher, yet equal, plain. If you turn one Lamed around to face the other, they form a heart. Just think of how many times we could improve our personal relationships if we just stop and turn to face one another. These are the moments when we have our most intimate conversations, truly get to know someone, and resolve issues.
If you are in a relationship, take some time this month to face your loved one and reconnect. If you are not in a relationship, don’t bury your head in the sand. Stand tall like a Lamed and present yourself proudly at High Holiday services, or wherever you may be.
Who knows? You could meet your matching Lamed by the time you break the Fast on Yom Kippur.
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